Crowe Horwath International

In 2008 Callens, Pirenne, Theunissen & C affiliated with Crowe Horwath International and now ranks among the 10 most renowned accountancy firm networks worldwide. The organisation comprises more than 140 independent accountancy firms and consultancies, totalling 560 offices and 28,000 professionals in over 100 countries.

  • Leadership -  Every Crowe Horwath International affiliate is a leading player in its own region and calls upon local experts with an excellent knowledge of the local legislation. In this manner the organisation provides the best possible support to clients planning joint ventures or expansions abroad.
  • Quality and Professional Services -  Every Crowe Horwath International affiliate can be singled out for its high standard of professionalism (audit, tax, risk management and consultancy). Standard procedures have been developed for international projects.
  • International Power – Regional Executives assist in the coordination of activities. They are responsible for specific regions (Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA), Southeast Asia and the Americas). The so-called Key Economic Centres have a crucial position in the network's strategic and operational activities. This also facilitates a professional and smooth service to smaller international organisations.

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Jan van Rijswijcklaan 10
2018 Antwerpen
T +32 (0)3 248 50 10
F +32 (0)3 248 44 66


Tervurenlaan 313
1150 Brussel
T +32 (0)2 772 03 30
F +32 (0)2 772 46 71


Luikersteenweg 232/4
3500 Hasselt
T +32 (0)11 90 03 04
F +32 (0)11 90 03 05


Assubel Building
Kennedypark 6/28
8500 Kortrijk
T +32 (0)56 20 30 26
F +32 (0)56 25 72 23


Op der Haart 4a
L-9999 Wemperhardt
T +352 22 26 43
F +352 26 44 12 43

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